10 Points of Connection - Part 1


10 Points of Connection

We, as men, are disconnected. You can take this as an accusation. You can take it as an opinion. You can take it as a truth. In my life experience, it is a sad reality that is hurting individuals and society, as a whole. 


If we were disconnected in just one way, I imagine the problem might be easy to address. A slight adjustment and things would lock back in. Unfortunately, due to generations of subtle shifts, that is not the case. Generally speaking, men are not disconnected in every aspect of their life but almost every man is experiencing the disconnect in several of them. I have found that the more ways men can connect back into themselves and the divine around them the more power and fulfillment they find in their lives. 


The focus of The Algiz Guard is to facilitate these connections. I want to share the ten spaces where connection matters most. This post will focus on the first 5. The 5 related to self. 



  • Your own heart 



I know, this seems cliche. What does it even mean to connect to your heart? Men have been conditioned to suppress their feelings. We have been taught that to feel is a weakness. The idea being that if you feel something it reveals some sort of vulnerability that can be exploited. I ask you to consider the possibility that feeling emotions is a sacred offering.


Everything you feel presents an opportunity to learn. Your emotions are giving you something. If you ignore your feelings they have a way of getting louder. Feel them, listen to what they are offering you, learn the lesson and grow. Connection to your heart is a superpower. 



  • Your own primality



When most people hear the word ‘primal’ they tend to think of caveman energy. The baser instincts and inclinations towards survival and perpetuation of the species. The word primal literally means ‘first’. While instinctual energy is certainly part of primality I like to think of primal as what comes built in. What you were before the world got to you. How do you connect to it? Solitude. That might seem ironic. Isolation is not the same as solitude. Solitude is intentional  time on your own. It is in intentional solitude that the world fades away and the primal starts to be able to be heard again. 


The natural inclination when you start to awaken to your primal is to move your body. Your physical health demands attention. Your aggression finds healthy expression. Your willpower is intensified.  You can call it warrior energy. There are many that are trying to convince you that the war you fight should be against someone or something outside of yourself. When you connect to your primality you find that the war lies within yourself. 



  • Your own mind



The average American watches nearly 4 hours of TV per day. They spend countless hours on social media. There is no limit to the amount of distraction available to an individual mind. We can disconnect completely from our own thoughts. As a matter of fact, we advertise it as a perk of so many of these services. Unwind, relax, disconnect…


Choosing to change the focus of your thoughts from a constant stream of stress and fear is not the same as attempting to turn off your mind completely. Your mind holds knowledge, insight and wisdom. When you connect to your heart and allow the connection to your mind to follow it can execute in brilliant, divine ways. The heart leads, the mind follows. Connection to both is necessary. 



  • Your own kingdom



Again, the idea of being a king in our modern day conjures images of a throne, followers, riches and glory. This is not what it means to be a king. Your kingdom is inside of you. Anything you do in the world is an outward expression of an inner kingdom, defined and claimed. 


Any man that wishes to be a king chooses to define for himself a code of conduct. A standard to implement for himself. He claims who he is and who he will be. He lives that standard and then he invites others, by his actions, to follow. A king provides this ordering, not to control others, but to create a cohesive kingdom that can then thrive abundantly. As the king goes, so does the kingdom. Set your standard, claim your kingdom. 



  • Your higher power



It feels as though a connection to a higher power has lost a level of support in our current culture. Hundreds of years of religious misalignments and abuses have given the idea of God a bad rap. As if men and their choices could determine the existence of God. It is natural though for men as they experience a disconnection internally to convince themselves that there is no connection to anything else either. The agnostic life makes sense because it doesn’t require anything to make sense. 


I am not promoting any particular religious belief, ideology or dogma. I am stating, unequivocally, you have something divine inside of you. If you connect to it, you will find meaning in your days. You will find patience, love and an ability to experience life in a whole new way. 


So how does brotherhood work to support these points of connection? 

The idea of accountability has become wrapped in layers of shame, guilt and blame. We are held accountable for the feelings of others but rarely consider our own actions. When you find an aligned brotherhood that understands that accountability is about holding you to the standard you set for yourself you find a new level of evolution and progress. 

Starting on April 16th I will be offering a course that goes into the depth of these points of connection. You will learn how to optimize your life, just as it exists right now. It does not require you to blow up your life or shift away from everything you know. To learn more, you can click here. α›‰

Are you ready to thrive in your life and not just survive it?

Join us at our next meeting inΒ The Algiz Guard Brotherhood.

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