The lone wolf epidemic

Being a Gen X kid I can remember the t-shirt. A single wolf with the fog and mist, at the edge of a cliff howling at the moon. I never had the shirt but I'm pretty sure I bought a poster for my wall. I can also remember the classic movie from the early 80's, Lone Wolf McQuade. Chuck Norris, the Texas ranger and manliest of men, taking on David Carradine and his henchmen all by himself. "Kid get out of here. And forget that partner crap"

When Chuck Norris is involved you know we were sold a pretty epic vision of the "lone wolf". 

I learned something though, not too long ago about that lone wolf howling. It turns out he's not howling at the moon at all. He's howling out in pain and isolation. He's howling out for a tribe. "Someone, anyone, I'm starving and by myself. Please come save me." All of a sudden the t-shirt seemed quite morbid and morose.

Men have been sold an idea that goes against the very nature of humanity. We've been fed a constant diet of isolation in all of its "glory". We continue to be shown movies and tv shows with these so-called heroic men experiencing life alone, without emotion and driven by anger, revenge and pride. see, Jason Bourne, James Bond, Jack Reacher or Bruce Wayne. 

It is no surprise then that in 2020, the suicide rate among males was 4 times higher than among females. Isolation was driven to an extremely high level. The surface level friendships that men did experience at work and through sports were gone in an instant and the isolation was magnified. We were already most of the way there.

This was the reality in 2020 and still is the reality of life for men right now. This was my reality in the beginning of 2020 and I nearly became part of the statistics. Fortunately, in a story for another post, I found brotherhood, I found connection and I found support. I found it at a men's retreat and I am forever grateful for the experiences I had there. It was a miraculous 4 day event. 

As I drove home from the event I thought back on the amount of work retreats, sales trainings and motivational seminars I had attended. Great events, great momentum and the second I returned home I was back in my normal life and nothing ever actually changed. I had faced too much darkness to risk that happening this time.

I knew that I needed to create a change in my environment. I needed something that was foundational, cultural and consistent. I committed myself to the work. I attended and facilitated events all over the world. I studied, and continue to study, with some of the most influential and expert coaches and mentors that are out there in the world. I've spent years studying, reading, learning and applying the things I was experiencing. I founded the Utah Men's Circle in 2020 and I created The Algiz Guard in 2022. 

The men's circle was always meant to be introductory. A place for men to dip their toe into the waters of brotherhood and vulnerability. The Algiz Guard is the place men go when they're ready to commit to a higher standard for themselves and when they've caught the vision of brotherhood as part of that standard. We don't preach a dogma or ideology. We create a space for you to experience what it is like to give and receive support in brotherhood. 

Brothers, as much as you might love Chuck Norris, it is time to leave Lone Wolf McQuade behind, take the poster off the wall and throw away the t-shirt. It is not serving you or those you love to remain in an isolated state. I invite you to step out of that miserable comfort of being alone and join us at our next meeting in The Algiz Guard. 


Are you ready to thrive in your life and not just survive it?

Join us at our next meeting inΒ The Algiz Guard Brotherhood.

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